Who would think that you can have pizza and beer when you are trying to lose weight?! That's the one thing about WW that I just LOVE. You can eat absolutely anything that you want, you just have to eat it in moderation (or veggies and fruit all day long...lol). Spur of the moment yesterday hubby tells me that "Wreck it Ralph" is playing at bear tooth theatre. (For those of you not in Alaska, Bears Tooth is an old movie theater that they cleaned up and turned it into a theater that sells food and has tables in front of the seats in the theater. Very rough basic description because a full description could be an entire blog post by itself...needless to say the place is AWESOME!) Little man has been wanting to see "Wreck it Ralph", so that's what we did for dinner. It was a movie with pizza and beer (little man did NOT have beer, just to make that clear). The movie was so cute! I recommend it to anyone who has not seen it yet. So today I will work out a little bit harder than I normally do, but the thing I really love, is I only used 8 points more than I normally would have for my day. (Considering I had a Gyro pizza and 2 glasses of beer, I am happy with that.) Lesson learned, you can lose weight and still have a normal life and eat the foods you enjoy. You just have to exercise more and be accountable for your food. :)
Here's to pizza & beer!
Do u live in Alaska now?? Where in Alaska? Just curious.
Yes we live in Alaska now. Moved up here in October so that little man could grow up knowing his family (both of our parents & siblings live here along with some of my aunts, uncles and cousins). Alaska is connected to Canada and across the Ocean is Russia. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.howmanyarethere.org/wp-content/uploads/us-map-map-of-us21.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.howmanyarethere.org/us-map-map-of-us/us-map-map-of-us21/&h=1114&w=1396&sz=285&tbnid=k0jACv6EZCvI7M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=113&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmap%2Bof%2Busa%2Bwith%2Balaska%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=map+of+usa+with+alaska&usg=__9Bj_9SEmlQNsfMoPQjoUVqSGx8E=&docid=G9TbAYVQbIooDM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Gn8JUbmgG6PCigKjmYHQBw&sqi=2&ved=0CC8Q9QEwAA&dur=1366
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