Thursday, January 24, 2013

Exercising and Inspiration

This morning as my little man was getting ready for school we were talking about the day and basically what's in store for the day.  He was so excited when he realized that today was Thursday and that he has gym today at school.  Not only does he have it today, but he said he gets to have gym 3 days in a row, Wednesday thru Friday.  And the best part about it, in his words it's AWESOME!  Now in my mind as soon as he said 3 days in a row I was thinking, oh you poor thing, that sucks!  LOL!  I am so happy that those words didn't make it out of my mouth.  I would hate to put those kinds of thoughts into his mind about something he's excited about.  Which only makes me wish that I had that same enthusiasm about exercising that he does.  He is going to be more of an inspiration that I had realized when I started this journey.  It's amazing the sacrifices that we make for our kids.  Sometimes I don't believe that they are truly sacrifices though just more of letting go of a selfish want, not even a need.  Eating junk is a want, not a need.  My need is to be here for my family and raise my kids.  Our other 3 are all independent adults (they still need me, even though they think they don't) and our littlest is 6 and I want to be here to raise him to be a strong, confident adult.  We have changed our diet and the next stop is to up the exercise and learn to enjoy it and become as enthusiastic about it as my little man is.  I would like to be able to go outside in the winter time and be able to get around and play with him like he would like.  Let's face it hubby and I have decided we have at least 11 years here in Alaska and I would like to enjoy those 11 years with my family playing outside and having fun.

So here's to moving and losing!


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