Monday, January 14, 2013

Recipe Trial and Error

I am on my 2nd batch of Sweet Potato Chips.  Who would have thought it would be this difficult?  I love Sweet Potato Chips and when we lived in the Washington we would buy them from Trader Joes.  Now living in Alaska, there is no Trader Joes so my goal is to make them myself.  Eventually I will make them right.  I don't want to fry them, I want them baked.  It's been a delicious trial and error process.  I enjoy being able to make things like this for my family.  Not only do they taste delicious, but I know what's in them.  Sometimes it's not just about making the choice to eat something that is healthy, it's about making the choice to eat something that isn't processed!  My inlaws got us an ice cream maker for Christmas.  I love this idea!  We are normal humans and we enjoy ice cream but I enjoy it even more now because we can make our own and I know exactly what is in it and it's not processed crap.  Perfect example, last night little man and I made a Dark Chocolate Sorbet.  It was so chocolate-y and delicious!  And all that was in it was water, sugar, vanilla and cocoa powder.  You will notice I make many things for my family from scratch, because I like knowing what's in it.  My sister makes me laugh because when she comes over she is always asking if I made something and when I say yes, she says "of course you did".  LOL

Now to find some more ice cream/sorbet recipes. :)

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