Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tracking & Exercising Together

Last night when I went to bed I was determined that I was getting up early to workout. I am happy to say that I did it! (Yay me!) And I do have to brag: I am so proud of my hubby!  He got up when the alarm went off this morning and worked out on the elliptical.  He is a huge supporter and it means the world to have him right by my side on this journey with me.  It is always easier to workout when you have a "buddy" to workout with.  My cousin and I bought a Groupon for a Zumba class and we will be starting it on Thursday.  I am so excited about this!  I love Zumba.  I am not co-ordinated what SO EVER, but that's the great thing about it, nobody in there cares or judges you because most of them are learning as well.   

Tracking is another very important key to weight loss and helping to maintain that weight loss.  I am going to start posting my tracking journal to here every day for all the world to see.  Why am I doing this, you might ask.  To keep myself accountable!  Not to mention that if any of you are struggling you will see another example of someone who is struggling right along with you and you will know that it CAN be done!  We will struggle through it and be successful together!  Please feel free to leave comments with a picture of your tracked food or just type it in.  This will push me to get more workouts done because it will show the Activity Points that I've earned as well.  
Here is mine from yesterday. 

Mondays are hard for me because I have my meeting at noon.  I am a little bit superstitious about eating too much before I weigh in, then I find myself starving afterwards.  I have been good about bringing a few snacks with me to eat on my way home so I am not ravenous by the time I get there and just pig out on whatever I can get my hands on.  This has worked pretty well for me so far.  

For those of you who need another motivator I have started a Diet Bet game!  All you have to do is lose 4% to split the pot!  The buy in for it is only $25.  For those of you who'd like to join click here.  This will be a great way to encourage one another!  The game starts on February 18 and lasts only 4 weeks!  

Find that buddy or motivator and GET MOVING!

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