Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tip Thursday ~ 25 Weight Loss Tips

1. Set realistic goals: 1/2 - 2 pounds a week is a healthy weight loss.
2. Journal: You will have greater success if you are journaling your food. (Take it a step further and journal your mood as well.)
3. Purge junk food: Donate all of the junk food in your refrigerator and pantry to a local shelter, get it out of the house!
4. Visual: Use a goal sized piece of clothing in constant view and an incentive. (I use a little black dress.)
5. Portions: Measure your portions.  In our Super Size society we have lost sight of the real portion sizes.  Read the Nutritional Information and measure.
6. Support: Enlist the help of your spouse, family and friends.  It makes your journey easier with help. Find an online support group, Weight Watchers or Spark People are both good resources.
7. Exercise: I know this is a bad word (to me too), but start off small by just taking a walk.  Every time you take a walk increase it just a little bit and before you know it you'll be walking a mile.
8. Meals: Plan your meals for the week & do your grocery shopping based on your meal plan.
9. Eating: Eat 3 meals a day & small snacks in between.
10. Fruits & Veggies: Be sure to always keep plenty of fresh fruit and veggies on hand.
11. Moving: Buy a pedometer to track how much you really move.  You should be getting 10,000 steps a day! You will be surprised!
12. After 8: Make it habit not to eat after 8 pm.
13. Plates: Get rid of your large dinner plates and start using smaller plates to keep your portions in check.

14. Cut out calories: Make small changes. No soda, sweet drinks & alcohol.  Instead try adding some lemon or lime to your water, or try making some "spa water" by adding slice cucumber or melon to your water.
15. Water: Drink plenty of water, you should roughly be drinking 1/2 your body weight in water a day.
16. Meal time: Put your fork down between bites.
17. Incentives: Give yourself mini goals with some sort of reward when you reach your goal.
18. Spices: Season your food to really taste it.  Don't dip it or cover it up.
19. Table: Eat your meals at the dinner table. Don't stand in the kitchen, sit in front of the TV, in the car or at your desk.
20. Eating out: Have a plan before you go.  Look up the menu online before you leave home, pick what you want and don't look at the menu when you get there. Ask for your salad dressing on the side and ask that the chef use NO oil when cooking your meal, and as always drink plenty of water.
21. Scale: Weigh yourself at the same time of the day.  Your weight will fluctuate with the day.  Weigh yourself regularly - but not too often.
22. Leftovers: Put a serving in plastic ware & label it, that way when you take it out of the freezer you know exactly what is in there. (Label with the nutritional info that you use to track.)
23. Grocery shopping: Don't do it when you are hungry.  Keep a small snack in your purse in case of emergency. :) Stick to the perimeter of the store where all the fresh foods are.
24. Don't deprive yourself: Slip ups happen don't let it ruin the entire day or week.  It's OK to have that treat.
25. Remember slow is good.  Slow and steady go hand in hand and are always a winner.

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