Thursday, February 14, 2013

Commercials and temptation

Commercials can be the death of your diet.  Not only commercials, but commercialism.  Have you noticed that every where you look there is temptation haunting you.  Yes I realize I am writing this post on Valentines Day.  Just thinking of how big businesses have warped this day to be about needing reservations a week in advance, over priced flowers and insanely expensive "cheap" chocolates.  My husband and I don't celebrate Valentines on February 14th.  I don't feel like I need this day with all it's over priced "goodies" to show him I love him.  We don't let it go by un-noticed, I do buy him a card (and the kids).  

You can't even go clothes shopping anymore without being tempted to buy chocolates.  After you spend 30 minutes in the dressing room (hopefully happy with the end results) you get to the cash register only to be staring at a box of small delicious, fairly low priced chocolates.  Which generally are an elegant brand name so that you feel like you are indulging yourself.....  But you have to be careful that you don't over indulge in those tasty little treats.

We all enjoy getting that little something from our significant other.... I just don't believe we should pay for it (by physically over indulging or spending way too much money).  

Happy Valentines Day!


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