Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eating Cleaner

What does your daily diet consist of?  Do you follow Weight Watchers? Jenny Craig?  What works for you?  I have been doing a lot of reading lately about different diets.  I really like Weight Watchers (that's no secret though), it teaches you how to eat healthier and incorporate working out.  One thing that I keep finding is the "eating green".  I am finding that even though Weight Watchers teaches you to eat healthier it also allows you to eat "crap" so long as you account for the points plus that you eat.  My husband and I have decided that we are going to be eating "greener".  It is different and I don't expect that we will make all the changes overnight but we are working on it.  It is scary what kind of preservatives and chemicals that are allowed to be put into the foods that we eat.  The FDA has approved so many things that have alternative "jobs".  This blog post about Stevia is really educational!  The Silica Gel that comes with shoes that is labeled, DO NOT EAT, is added to an Organic Stevia!  SCARY!!!  So if you are eating these things, you are also feeding them to your kiddos!  Do you feed your kids Go-gurts or Otter Pops?  Thank you to Amanda and her blog for introducing me to Zipzicle.  I can now make my little man homemade "go-gurts" or popsicles and put them into a container that he can throw away.  For those of you who are looking for a recyclable alternative there is also Silicone Ice Pop Maker Set on Amazon that you can make them in.  I like these as well!  But it might not be ideal for those of you who have kiddos who aren't as conscientious about bringing them home.  I am just happy that I will know what he is really eating!

Enjoy your research!  I will be posting more information as I find it.  It's a lot to process when you think of all the things that you eat and feed your kiddos.  I have never watched "Super Size Me" and I am afraid to.  I have seen the ads online of how the McDonalds Happy Meals...  SCARY!  

I haven't really looked into the Paleo Diet, but I am really considering it....  Do you have info on the diet you can share?


rburns said...

Kari, I'm so proud of you & Lars making these changes! It's definitely one step at a time. I'm learning as well and tweaking our diet. I've been reading on Paleo myself, just not sure yet on the no grains like brown rice & quinoa, and no beans/legumes. I'm good with the no "white" carbs, but I may try it soon. Definitely working on "clean" eating. Miss you!

rburns said...

Kari, I'm so proud of you & Lars making these changes! It's definitely one step at a time. I'm learning as well and tweaking our diet. I've been reading on Paleo myself, just not sure yet on the no grains like brown rice & quinoa, and no beans/legumes. I'm good with the no "white" carbs, but I may try it soon. Definitely working on "clean" eating. Miss you!

rburns said...

Kari, I'm so proud of you & Lars making these changes! It's definitely one step at a time. I'm learning as well and tweaking our diet. I've been reading on Paleo myself, just not sure yet on the no grains like brown rice & quinoa, and no beans/legumes. I'm good with the no "white" carbs, but I may try it soon. Definitely working on "clean" eating. Miss you!

rburns said...

Kari, I'm so proud of you & Lars making these changes! It's definitely one step at a time. I'm learning as well and tweaking our diet. I've been reading on Paleo myself, just not sure yet on the no grains like brown rice & quinoa, and no beans/legumes. I'm good with the no "white" carbs, but I may try it soon. Definitely working on "clean" eating. Miss you!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I agree, I will still continue to eat the brown rice, quinoa & couscous. Not to mention the beans/legumes, I just don't see us giving those things up.
Miss you too!!!