Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I have been craving Curry lately.  Why? I have no idea because until now I've only had it once and I was severely disappointed with it!  So we went out to dinner the other night and wouldn't you know the soup of the day was a Curry Chicken (mind you I was going to make Curry Chicken for dinner but our evening got rearranged by a unexpected trip to the Dr. just before they closed). So I thought, wow let's give it a shot what are the odds?!  The soup was delicious!  Thank you City Diner!  So tonight I made the Curry Chicken that I had planned for the other night.  It was good, but it doesn't compare to that soup and quite frankly was a little bit bland.  Even though it was good it just didn't meet my expectations and I won't be making it again.  So I am still on a search for an awesome Curry dish!  I know they exist, I've heard people rave about them.  That soup was delish and I want to find a main dish that can compare!!  Help a girl out!!! :)  Here's a pic, it does look yummy though doesn't it.  (If you like bland then this could be the recipe for you, let me know if you want it and I will send you the link.)

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