Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Flavored Coffee Syrup

Just the other day I blogged about coffee and homemade coffee syrup (you can find the post here).  So yesterday I set out to make my own coffee syrups.  I was so pleased with myself, I did a little happy dance!  Good thing there wasn't anyone here to see it!  Now the original recipe I found said to use 2 cups water & 2 cups sugar, I modified that one.  I just can't put that much sugar in mine.  And you know what, it turned out awesome!!!  It is a little thinner than the store bought version but it's still delicious.  The next time around I will definitely put in more extract.  When I tasted it alone it seemed very strong but now that it's in my coffee it's not a strong flavor.  So keep that in mind when you make yours.  If you like to be able to taste the flavor add more extract, if you like a subtle flavor then go with a little.  It might take you a time or two to get it to exactly the way you want, but it'll get there.  Just think about all the money you are saving not to mention you know exactly what is going in to your body!  Play with the extracts and be creative!  Google how to "create" a certain flavor, that's what I did!  I used empty syrup containers that I had and removed the labels the best I could.  This recipe filled them right to the top!  Let me know what you think.

Vanilla Coffee Syrup
4 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract (next time I will use 2 tsp of extract)

Bring water to a soft boil, add sugar.  Stir and let boil for a few minutes to be sure sugar is dissolved.  Add extract and stir.  Remove from burner and allow to cool.  Then bottle.

Smoothie before 
Smoothie after
Yesterday I also wrote about our morning smoothies.  Well I put spinach in them this morning and put little man's in a cup with a lid (so he wouldn't see any of the green specks) and he liked it!  Of course he didn't drink it all this morning, but he didn't drink it all yesterday morning either so I don't think that had anything to do with the spinach.


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