Sunday, June 23, 2013

Healthy Eating

What does "Healthy Eating" mean to you?  I know that when I go to the store I am more aware of the things I put into my cart.  I wasn't always aware of the groceries I would buy. My older children complain that I don't have "regular peanut butter" in my cupboard, but instead it's all natural peanut butter in the fridge.  If you haven't guessed it they grew up on the processed filled with crap peanut butter.  However, my youngest son thinks the stuff in the fridge is pretty darn good and he'll even eat the almond butter with flax seed that I get from Trader Joes.  My older kids wouldn't eat that if their lives depended on it.  It's hard to make changes in our lives especially when the kids have moved out of the house and no longer eat the food that you bring into your house.  10 years ago I wouldn't be eating the natural peanut butter either.  
I have decided to find a cookbook and to review recipes from it.  Do you have a favorite cookbook that you would recommend?  Please keep in mind that we want Eating Clean or Paleo type cookbooks.
I have to keep in mind that there are no quick fixes.  I didn't get to this weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight.  I have to find a balance, I don't do well when I am restricted to only eat "nuts & berries" but I don't do well when I don't have a plan either.  It's a fine line and I know that I can do it.
This is my scattered blog post for you all. :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This year I am seriously struggling with allergies.  To the extent that I am out of breath when I get on my elliptical.  I am not talking because I am out of shape (I am out of shape) but before I was able to do 25 minutes no problem (don't get me wrong I was sweating and it was a work out) but now 8 minutes into it I am having a hard time breathing.  The Dr. gave me some more meds to help clear up the allergies so we will see what happens.  I would really like to be able to move without feeling like my lungs are going to collapse. :)

Needless to say life has been crazy here lately and it's just going to get crazier.  We are relocating back to Spokane.  Yes I know we just got to Alaska, but you gotta follow the work.  I will keep you all posted, but as of right now we are looking at mid to late August.

Today little man and I are headed to the Alaska Zoo with my sister and 2 neices.  It's a beautiful day out and perfect weather for the zoo.

I was up at 4 am to see my BFF before she went in to surgery.  I will be headed back up this afternoon and possibly spending the night at the hospital with her (if they don't let her go home, my guess is they will be begging her to go home because she will be driving them all nuts!).  :)  I gave her a cow bell to ring for things when she gets home...LOL  I know her hubby is going to be hiding it very early on....  :)  I was looking for a small little "sweet" bell, but I tell you I don't think they exist anymore!  This was the best I could do.

This past weekend we were in the valley helping my sister and brother in law build a new deck.  (When I say we I mean the guys were working the women were cooking and visiting.)  While we were out there all us girls went to the Colonial Days.  It was a good time.  They were having an egg toss there and my sister wanted to do it with little man, but he just didn't want to get up in front of all those when we got back to her place they did a small egg toss there.  He loved it!  I have a feeling we will be doing that again!  :)

So this is what's going on in my world in a nutshell. :)